We're more educated, more connected and technology is advancing more rapidly than ever, but that pace seems to fall away as soon as it comes to the systems that keep us all alive.
We all must be part of a ‘rapid and unprecedented social transformation’, however, no one seems to be reacting to the gravity of the situation.
No one wants to hear this message. No one wants change. It feels like no one is listening. Like we're on our own. Those who care against everybody else.
I want to find some hope. I want to find some unity - we're the cause of the problem, hope for the solution and a reason it's worth fighting for survival. The loss of billions of amazing people is unacceptable.
However, billions of people is just a statistic.
I want to find out about individuals.
This month I've been working on screen printing for the first time! I've put together some rough designs and will update here when I have some results.
Last year I picked up my Mum's old OM-2 and have dived down the rabbit hole of developing, enlarging, printing and scanning black and white film. This wall of photos on the financial times is part of my project, The Everything Crisis, which also includes a book.
Inspired by Ways of Seeing and Spelling Mistakes Cost Lives, I've enjoyed thinking about how advertising can change opinions. In response I've been designing subvertising like posters.